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The four public policy questions every startup should ask @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

As a necessary function of a product launch, startups are myopic — they’re frenzied, they’re broke and they’re not remotely cognizant of the serious public policy hurdles to which they’re racing. That’s the problem. Read More

via The four public policy questions every startup should ask — TechCrunch

Breaking a myth: Data shows you don’t actually need a co-founder @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

We are often told that starting a startup on your own is madness. There are thousands of articles out there that tell you that and why why you need a co-founder. Probably solid advice, but data from CrunchBase shows a different side of the story. More than half of startups with an exit did so…

via Breaking a myth: Data shows you don’t actually need a co-founder — TechCrunch

TradingView, a community for chart-obsessed investors, moves into new markets @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

Data-driven investor community TradingView has hit one million monthly active users and is expanding globally to under-served markets. TechCrunch last covered TradingView in 2012 when the site was seeing 2,000 visitors per day. The site differs from other investor communities like Seeking Alpha because of its emphasis on visuals. TradingView takes a chart based approach to supporting…

via TradingView, a community for chart-obsessed investors, moves into new markets — TechCrunch

A look inside Facebook’s data center — TechCrunch

Facebook invited a small group of reporters to its Prineville, OR data center this week. Most companies don’t even give their own employees access to their data centers (outside of the relatively small group of people it takes to keep the millions of servers inside up and running), but because Facebook open sources most of its server and networking…

via A look inside Facebook’s data center — TechCrunch Flow makes building enterprise integrations easier — TechCrunch’s Flow is a drag-and-drop tool for building enterprise integrations. It’s a bit of a mix of Yahoo Pipes (R.I.P.) and IFTTT for connecting services like Salesforce and Marketo to help automate the sales process in an organization, for example. Today, the company is launching a major update of Flow that will make it easier for businesses…

via Flow makes building enterprise integrations easier — TechCrunch

In defense of the Uber-ization of everything — TechCrunch

I recently posted on Facebook a short rant about digital transformation for established enterprises. The skinny is that there are endless amounts of why and barely no opining on the what or how when it comes to executing any kind of digital transformation of your business or industry. Not surprisingly, Uber got caught in the…

via In defense of the Uber-ization of everything — TechCrunch

Unicorns along the Wasatch: Utah’s flourishing startup and enterprise scene — TechCrunch

Silicon Valley has traditionally been the startup Garden of Eden, but it’s no longer the only game in town. Utah — specifically Salt Lake City and its ecosystem — has become a formidable breeding ground for startups, even developing its own unicorn herd. Read More

via Unicorns along the Wasatch: Utah’s flourishing startup and enterprise scene — TechCrunch

BigID takes $2.1M to help enterprises grok customer data privacy risks — TechCrunch

The risks for businesses associated with storing and processing the personal data of their customers are growing as data volumes continue to increase and regulators sharpen their claws over data protection. But those risks are of course just another startup opportunity. Read More

via BigID takes $2.1M to help enterprises grok customer data privacy risks — TechCrunch

Beyond the Valley — TechCrunch

As someone who has worked in technology his entire adult life, I can say the following with complete conviction: Somewhere at this moment a young entrepreneur is developing a product, service or business model that will transform the way our world thinks, works, plays, communicates, dates, sleeps or wakes up the day after. He or…

via Beyond the Valley — TechCrunch

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