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Housekeeping Integrated Research Interface


Domestic Violence

Uncovering and counseling domestic violence victims through the My Plan app — TechCrunch

‘Has he threatened you with a gun?’ Is one of the questions a woman will be asked when she’s downloaded the domestic abuse counseling app My Plan. “This scenario is more common on college campuses than we’d like to believe,” said the app’s co-founder, Nancy Glass. Glass, who is a professor and associate dean for research at…

via Uncovering and counseling domestic violence victims through the My Plan app — TechCrunch

Domestic Violence Doesn’t Always Look Like You Think It Does — Thought Catalog

Joel SossaDomestic violence isn’t always black eyes and busted lips. It isn’t always having to lie about falling down the stairs. Sometimes it starts with yelling and a person turning livid in a matter of seconds over something very small. Sometimes the criticisms are playful, a “when are you going back to the gym?” after…

via Domestic Violence Doesn’t Always Look Like You Think It Does — Thought Catalog

Men Experiencing Domestic Violence

Leading facts and statistics on men experiencing domestic violence. Approximately 1 in 12 men in the U.S. (8.0%) has experienced sexual violence other than rape by an intimate partner in his lifeti…

Source: Men Experiencing Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence During Pregnancy Doubles Risk Of Premature Birth

Women who experience domestic violence while pregnant are twice as likely to give birth to a premature baby or a baby with low birth weight, according to a new study.  Researchers from the Uni…

Source: Domestic Violence During Pregnancy Doubles Risk Of Premature Birth

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