
malibe hiribae

Housekeeping Integrated Research Interface



Lady Gaga’s mom urges tech community to fight online harassment — TechCrunch

Online harassment is no good. Unfortunately, 40 percent of all people on the Internet report experiencing some form of harassment online and 70 percent of people between the ages of 18 and 24 have been targeted, according to Pew Research Center. “A young person who was being bullied a few generations ago could escape the…

via Lady Gaga’s mom urges tech community to fight online harassment — TechCrunch

Uncovering and counseling domestic violence victims through the My Plan app — TechCrunch

‘Has he threatened you with a gun?’ Is one of the questions a woman will be asked when she’s downloaded the domestic abuse counseling app My Plan. “This scenario is more common on college campuses than we’d like to believe,” said the app’s co-founder, Nancy Glass. Glass, who is a professor and associate dean for research at…

via Uncovering and counseling domestic violence victims through the My Plan app — TechCrunch

3 ways startups are fighting for digital and physical security — TechCrunch

Internet accessibility for all people, of all ages and in all places has unleashed unprecedented resources and opportunities. It also unlocked our digital and physical security. The sacrifice of safety is an unintended consequence of the Internet age. Can the tools that caused this vulnerability be reappropriated to make us safer? Read More

via 3 ways startups are fighting for digital and physical security — TechCrunch

Tactical Technology educates women’s rights advocates on online safety — TechCrunch

Progressive women’s advocates doing controversial work are often at risk of physical violence and online harassment because of their online presence. In order to help those advocates navigate social media safely, Tactical Technology launched to ensure that, in an increasingly digital age, they don’t end up more vulnerable than ever. “For some women who are politically… Read More

via Tactical Technology educates women’s rights advocates on online safety — TechCrunch

Domestic Violence Doesn’t Always Look Like You Think It Does — Thought Catalog

Joel SossaDomestic violence isn’t always black eyes and busted lips. It isn’t always having to lie about falling down the stairs. Sometimes it starts with yelling and a person turning livid in a matter of seconds over something very small. Sometimes the criticisms are playful, a “when are you going back to the gym?” after…

via Domestic Violence Doesn’t Always Look Like You Think It Does — Thought Catalog

Men Experiencing Domestic Violence

Leading facts and statistics on men experiencing domestic violence. Approximately 1 in 12 men in the U.S. (8.0%) has experienced sexual violence other than rape by an intimate partner in his lifeti…

Source: Men Experiencing Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence During Pregnancy Doubles Risk Of Premature Birth

Women who experience domestic violence while pregnant are twice as likely to give birth to a premature baby or a baby with low birth weight, according to a new study.  Researchers from the Uni…

Source: Domestic Violence During Pregnancy Doubles Risk Of Premature Birth

Racism In Australia: Tribulations Of A Former African Diplomat – PART 2

1. Persona of arrogance, this’ my little poem;

A little song t’is as well, except I should hum;

Constantly dismissive you’re, so long dissension’ vicinal;

Issues as noble proven, common sense as much despise;

Away, away, away – I hum, away stay you should;

Persona of arrogance – haunt again-not my young ones, haunt my psyche not;


2. Numbness to others’ sufferings, passionately treasure you;

Of beings comparable, others tiny helpless;

Intolerant, cruel, intense connivance – too, define your guise;

Similes once suffered, scars big and small left to endure;

Away, away, away – I hum, away stay you should;

Persona of arrogance – haunt again-not my young ones, haunt my psyche not;


3. Persona of arrogance, shamelessly complicit is your ego;

Peculiar in many ways, dull in all else;

To steal, to destroy, but you come: pandemonium indiscreetly best armoury;

Silly games adore to play, lucid imagine of yourself;

Away, away, away – I hum, away stay you should;

Persona of arrogance – haunt again-not my young ones, haunt my psyche not;


4. Always lurking in darkness, restlessly devious mind;

Unobvious your malice you think, crack of dawn swiftly you emerge;

Claim lives relishes, to intimidate, to break, instead you cherish;

Pieces further you pulverize, one here one there: you grind for lives too many;

Away, away, away – I hum, away stay you should;

Persona of arrogance – haunt again-not my young ones, haunt my psyche not;


5. Poor persona of arrogance, remembers not ancient good counsel;

Same cup thee useth, too, useth shalt Almighty;

Undoubtedly equal measured, shaken, press-ed, press-ed;

Shaken, press-ed, over, over, and over again;

Away, away, away – I hum, away stay you should;

Persona of arrogance – haunt again-not my young ones, haunt my psyche not;


6. Indeed no respecter of entities, this Almighty;

To press, to shake, over and over, Almighty knoweth how;

In measure equal certainly, in time sure to pass;

Guardian Angels faithfully Almighty sendeth too, send as many: a prayer my Lord;

Away, away, away – I hum, away stay you should;

Persona of arrogance – haunt again-not my young ones, haunt my psyche not.

(#racisminaustraliapreamble, #racisminaustraliapart1, #racisminaustraliapart2, #racisminaustraliapart3, #racisminaustraliapart4, #racisminaustraliapart5, #racisminaustraliapart6)

© 2016 Revised Malibe Hiribae

Narcissistic Abuse is Domestic Abuse

Source: Narcissistic Abuse is Domestic Abuse

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