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Artificial Intelligence

Growing up in Generation AI @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

Imagine a five-year-old watching Mum talking to Siri, and Dad talking to Alexa, on a daily basis — what must she think of such interactions? Children nowadays witness computers that seem like they have a mind of their own — and even a personality with which to engage. It can be taken for granted that…

via Growing up in Generation AI — TechCrunch

Google’s new “Project Muse” proves machines aren’t that great at fashion design @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

Google’s A.I. technology may be capable of putting on a trippy art show, thanks to its neural network-powered DeepDream computer vision program. But when Google turned its machine learning technology to the world of fashion via its new experiment “Project Muse,” the results were less than compelling. Designed in partnership with European e-commerce company Zalando,… Read More

via Google’s new “Project Muse” proves machines aren’t that great at fashion design — TechCrunch

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg hopes to show off his Jarvis-like home AI next month @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is living at least a few years out ahead of anyone reading this post – the founding executive told an audience in Rome (via Verge) today that he hopes to demonstrate his home’s artificial intelligence system, which controls things like air conditioning, lighting and more based on things like face and…

via Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg hopes to show off his Jarvis-like home AI next month — TechCrunch

Retooling AI for the workplace @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

Given the massive chunk of our lives spent at work, shouldn’t we enjoy the tools we need to use for our jobs? Shouldn’t they feel more human and delightful, like Amazon’s Alexa or some of the other consumer-facing applications we rely on daily? And how much more effective and productive could you be if you…

via Retooling AI for the workplace — TechCrunch

Intel’s Joule platform lets makers build computer vision into almost anything @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

Intel’s new Joule maker board is designed to provide a platform for makers to create powerful computer vision products, and “seamlessly transition from prototype to at-scale robotics, machine vision,” drone and other products, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich explained on stage today at Intel’s annual developer conference. Case-in-point, PivotHead’s use of the the… Read More

via Intel’s Joule platform lets makers build computer vision into almost anything — TechCrunch

Using artificial intelligence to create invisible UI @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

We’re redefining how we interact with machines and how they interact with us. Advances in AI help make new human-to-machine and machine-to-human interaction possible. Traditional interfaces get simplified, abstracted, hidden — they become ambient, part of everything. The ultimate UI is no UI. Everyone’s getting in on it, but few have cracked the code. We…

via Using artificial intelligence to create invisible UI — TechCrunch

Hearing is like seeing for our brains and for machines @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

There are neural net machine learning approaches that are simply more than “deep.” Neural networks are popular for advancing voice technologies and AI, but it’s interesting that many of the current approaches were developed for image/video processing. One, convolutional neural networks, makes it easy to see why image-processing neural nets are similar to the way…

via Hearing is like seeing for our brains and for machines — TechCrunch

Toyota Research Institute provides $22M to University of Michigan for AI studies @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

Toyota Research Institute (TRI), a Toyota R&D organization headquartered in Silicon Valley, is providing $22 million over four years in an initial research grant with the University of Michigan. The funding follows Toyota’s opening of a third research facility for TRI at the U of M campus, which it officially announced in April this year. The funding is earmarked…

via Toyota Research Institute provides $22M to University of Michigan for AI studies — TechCrunch

Flock is building a risk assessment platform for drone flights @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

Hard engineering challenges can sometimes appear simple beside the amorphous challenges of regulating cutting edge technology use within existing societal structures. But early stage startup Flock is viewing the knotted intersection of technology and regulation as just another business opportunity. Read More

via Flock is building a risk assessment platform for drone flights — TechCrunch

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