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Cloud Tech

The death of localhost and the rise of cloud development @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

The cloud has become the default for practically every industry, from storage to transportation to communication to retail. But there’s one fundamental space out of which it has yet to take a bite. Ironically, software development — the process of editing, building, debugging and analyzing code that makes everything in the cloud possible — is…

via The death of localhost and the rise of cloud development — TechCrunch

Palantir acquires data visualization startup Silk @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

Silk‘s co-founder and CEO, Salar al Khafaji, announced today that private data analytics unicorn Palantir would be acquiring the company. The transaction appears to be an acqui-hire, with members of the Silk team directly joining Palantir in new roles. Founded in 2010, Silk helps data journalists, activists, NGOs and businesses produce data visualizations in the…

via Palantir acquires data visualization startup Silk — TechCrunch

Mirantis and SUSE team up to give OpenStack users new support options @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

Mirantis, which specializes in offering software, support and training for running OpenStack, today announced that it is partnering with Germany-based SUSE, best known for its Linux distribution, to offer its customers support for SUSE’s enterprise Linux offering. The two companies also said that they will work on making SUSE Linux Enterprise Server a development platform for use… Read…

via Mirantis and SUSE team up to give OpenStack users new support options — TechCrunch

Latest AWS Elastic MapReduce release supports 16 Hadoop projects @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

AWS announced the release of Elastic MapReduce (EMR) 5.0.0 today, which includes among other things support for 16 open source Hadoop projects. As AWS continues to hone its various tools to help customers manage a myriad of enterprise functions in the cloud, this latest one is aimed at data scientists and other interested parties looking to…

via Latest AWS Elastic MapReduce release supports 16 Hadoop projects — TechCrunch

LaunchKit team heads to Google and open-sources its tools for helping devs launch their apps @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

The team behind LaunchKit, a set of tools that helps developers to launch their apps, is heading to Google and joining the Developer Product Group. It doesn’t look like LaunchKit’s products are moving over to Google, so the team decided to open-source its products and make them available on GitHub. LaunchKit’s hosted services will be available for the next…

via LaunchKit team heads to Google and open-sources its tools for helping devs launch their apps — TechCrunch

AWS’s Elastic File System is now ready for production use — TechCrunch

Over a year ago, Amazon’s AWS cloud computing unit announced the beta launch of the Amazon Elastic File System (EFS). While AWS already offers a number of cloud storage services in the form of S3, Glacier and Elastic Block Store, the idea behind EFS is to offer AWS users access to a more straightforward file storage system that…

via AWS’s Elastic File System is now ready for production use — TechCrunch

Chef’s new Habitat project wants to make applications infrastructure-independent — TechCrunch

Chef today launched Habitat, a new open source project that allows developers to package their applications and run them on a wide variety of infrastructures. Habitat essentially wraps applications into their own lightweight runtime environment and then allows you to run them in any environment, ranging from bare metal servers to virtual machines, Docker containers (and their… Read More

via Chef’s new Habitat project wants to make applications infrastructure-independent — TechCrunch

How storage is changing in the age of big data — TechCrunch

Have you ever tracked all the ways you use data in a single day? How many of your calories, activities, tasks, messages, projects, correspondences, records and more are saved and accessed through data storage every day? I bet you won’t be able to stop once you start counting. Many of us never pause to consider…

via How storage is changing in the age of big data — TechCrunch

Google acquires Synergyse, an interactive training service for Google Apps — TechCrunch

Google has acquired Synergyse, a Toronto-based interactive training service for Google Apps for Work that was launched by a group of former Google employees in 2013. As part of this acquisition, Google will make Synergyse Training for Google Apps available for free to all Google Apps customers. The company did not disclose the financial terms of the transaction.…

via Google acquires Synergyse, an interactive training service for Google Apps — TechCrunch

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