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Cyber Security

Chrome is helping kill HTTP @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

2016 might be the year that HTTP finally dies. Chrome’s security team announced today that the browser will start marking websites that use insecure HTTP connections to transmit passwords and credit card data as insecure, beginning in January 2017. The warning will appear in the address bar of the browser and will call users’ attention…

via Chrome is helping kill HTTP — TechCrunch

IoT’s killer app is not home security @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

I was linked to Revel Systems CTO Chris Ciabarra’s recent TechCrunch piece “IoT’s Killer App is Home Security” by a friend and found myself a bit taken aback by what I was reading. I’m sure he’s a very nice man, but the assertions made about being able to rely on IoT in a home security…

via IoT’s killer app is not home security — TechCrunch

Exploits patched by Apple today hint at years of surreptitious government hacks @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

You’ll want to be updating your iOS devices to 9.3.5, the version released today by Apple — especially if you’re a prominent human rights activist. A recently thwarted attack on just such a person employed not one but three zero-day exploits. And that’s just the beginning of the story. Read More

via Exploits patched by Apple today hint at years of surreptitious government hacks — TechCrunch

Reimagining the ecosystem for identity verification @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

What’s in a name? When it comes in the form of a password, everything. The password has long been the safeguard — and in many cases, the only one — to protect our online identity. At one point, passwords seemed like the most obvious way to verify account ownership. But, over time, and with the…

via Reimagining the ecosystem for identity verification — TechCrunch

Test the security of your apps with @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

It’s not easy for the average user to determine whether or not the apps on his or her iPhone are trustworthy. Some apps scoop up contact lists, others unnecessarily harvest your location data, and some even send your login credentials over insecure HTTP connections. But, if you’re not a developer, it can be difficult to…

via Test the security of your apps with — TechCrunch

Google says 97% of connections to YouTube are now encrypted @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

Earlier this year, Google launched a new section to its Transparency Report that highlighted the use of HTTPS to encrypt connections between its users’ devices and its servers. At the time, the report only showed data for Google Drive, Finance, Gmail, Maps, News and the company’s advertising products. Today, Google added data for YouTube and…

via Google says 97% of connections to YouTube are now encrypted — TechCrunch

How predictive analytics discovers a data breach before it happens @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

Cybersecurity experts are constantly trying to keep pace with changes in the volatile landscape of IT security. Despite sophisticated tools and solutions, every IT security officer knows that data breaches eventually happen — and they usually go undetected for a long time. What if we could stay ahead of threat actors and predict their next…

via How predictive analytics discovers a data breach before it happens — TechCrunch

The worth of your professional profile, network and personal data — TechCrunch

Tim Berners-Lee created the web in 1989. Twenty-seven years later, he’s asking for a reinvention. The web has made life easier, but it has also introduced challenges and ethical questions pertaining to personal data, access to information and privacy. Berners-Lee laments that the web has morphed into a surveillance network filled with corporate hackers and…

via The worth of your professional profile, network and personal data — TechCrunch

Meet the team hacking Sundar Pichai and Channing Tatum — TechCrunch

If you follow tech executives or famous actors on Twitter, you’ve probably seen references to something called OurMine several times over the last few weeks. That’s because a group of three hackers called OurMine have been finding their way accounts belonging to Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Spotify CEO Daniel Ek, Amazon CTO Werner Vogels, and “Magic Mike” star……

via Meet the team hacking Sundar Pichai and Channing Tatum — TechCrunch

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