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Weekly Review

Weekly Roundup: SpaceX explosion destroys Facebook satellite, Google takes on Uber @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

This week, what would have been Facebook’s first satellite was destroyed in a Falcon 9 explosion, Facebook changed its Trending Topics layout and new information about the Dropbox password breach was unveiled. Read More

via Weekly Roundup: SpaceX explosion destroys Facebook satellite, Google takes on Uber — TechCrunch

Weekly Roundup: Zero-day hacks rock Apple, WhatsApp changes privacy policy @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

August, the weekend of months. This week a zero-day hack rocked Apple, WhatsApp announced a major privacy change and Tesla announced a new model that takes Ludicrous Mode to the next level. Would you rather get the Weekly Roundup in your inbox? Same, TBH. 1. Hackers are honing in on mobile devices. The latest example was an Apple zero-day hack…

via Weekly Roundup: Zero-day hacks rock Apple, WhatsApp changes privacy policy — TechCrunch

Weekly Roundup: MacBook Pro’s big update, Walmart buys Jet and Facebook’s adblocking saga continues @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

This week, reports hinted at what could be the most impactful MacBook Pro update in years, Walmart leveled up in the ecommerce space with its $3 billion purchase of, and the Facebook adblocking war raged on. These are the top stories of the week. Want to receive the Weekly Roundup in your inbox? Sign…

via Weekly Roundup: MacBook Pro’s big update, Walmart buys Jet and Facebook’s adblocking saga continues — TechCrunch

Weekly Roundup: Didi buys Uber China, Instagram’s Snapchatty ‘Stories’ and new emoji @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

This week tech companies worked their angles for the Rio Olympics, Uber China gave into Didi Chuxing and Instagram cloned Snapchat with an ephemeral new feature. Here are this week’s top stories in tech. You can receive the Weekly Roundup in your inbox every Saturday, if that’s your kinda thing. 1. Didi Chuxing will buy Uber China,…

via Weekly Roundup: Didi buys Uber China, Instagram’s Snapchatty ‘Stories’ and new emoji — TechCrunch

Crunch Report | WikiLeaks Publishes DNC Emails @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

WikiLeaks publishes a ton of democratic national committee emails, a bunch of employees leave reddit, Pokemon Go is live now in Japan, Verizon is close to buying Yahoo assets, Gravity4 CEO Gurbaksh Chahal has violated probation. All this on Crunch Report. Read More

via Crunch Report | WikiLeaks Publishes DNC Emails — TechCrunch

13 TechCrunch stories you don’t want to miss this week — TechCrunch

This week’s headlines saw Pokémon Go mania, iPhone 7 leaks, and the biggest tech IPO of the year so far. Here’s a quick roundup of the top tech news of the week so you can get back to hunting Charizards. 1. Pokémon Go completely took over this week, adding $9 billion to Nintendo’s value as the…

via 13 TechCrunch stories you don’t want to miss this week — TechCrunch

15 TechCrunch stories you don’t want to miss this week — TechCrunch

This week, Apple’s iOS 10 beta was released, Tesla Autopilot went under scrutiny and the tech world responded to the devastating shootings and protests that occurred across the country. These are the top tech stories to bring you up to speed. Read More

via 15 TechCrunch stories you don’t want to miss this week — TechCrunch

13 TechCrunch stories you don’t want to miss this week — TechCrunch

This week, Airbnb sued the city of San Francisco, details about a fatal Tesla autopilot crash came to light, and Facebook changed the News Feed again. Here are the top tech stories of the week. Read More

via 13 TechCrunch stories you don’t want to miss this week — TechCrunch

13 TechCrunch stories you don’t want to miss this week — TechCrunch

This week, Microsoft bought up LinkedIn, Apple’s WWDC took place and the E3 gaming trade show had the tech world talking. These are the stories you don’t want to miss this week. Read More

via 13 TechCrunch stories you don’t want to miss this week — TechCrunch

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