Chef in disguise

Dutch baby chef in disguise

My son loves pancakes! If it was up to him we will have them every morning! and although I do have quite a few pancake recipes ranging from vegan pancakes to carrot cake pancakes and Arabic Atayef pancakes, I am always on the look out for new and interesting pancake recipes.  Dutch baby pancakes have been on my list of recipes to try for quite some time.

Dutch baby pancakes, sometimes called a German pancakes, or a Dutch puff, are  sweet baked pancakes that are very similar to a popovers. They are derived from the German pfannkuchen and they are made with eggs, flour, sugar and milk, and usually seasoned with vanilla and cinnamon. Occasionally fruit or another flavoring is also added.

Despite not having any leavening agents, they do puff up beautifully in the oven, watching them bake is really fun, especially for an excited, hungry 5…

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