
malibe hiribae

Housekeeping Integrated Research Interface



Evolving the application platform from software to dataware @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

Every decade, a set of major forces work together to change the way we think about “applications.” Until now, those changes were principally evolutions of software programming, networked communications and user interactions. Today, data and machine learning/artificial intelligence are combining with software and cloud infrastructure to become a new platform. Read More

via Evolving the application platform from software to dataware — TechCrunch

Program your own self-driving racer with FormulaPi @TechCrunch @hirimalibe

Self-driving race cars are a few years away but why not simulate the roar of robotic Formula 1 cars with a little Raspberry Pi magic? The folks at Piborg are offering the opportunity for hackers and makers to try and drive their own autonomous car brain in a centralized race. They’ve launched a Kickstarter and…

via Program your own self-driving racer with FormulaPi — TechCrunch

Google and Udacity launch a new Android programming course for beginners — TechCrunch

Google wants more people to learn to program — especially for its Android platform. While the company already offered a few programming courses, they were typically geared toward students with at least some rudimentary programming experience. Starting today, the Google Android Basics Nanodegree class is available on the online learning platform Udacity. It’s the first Android……

via Google and Udacity launch a new Android programming course for beginners — TechCrunch

AcadGild brings its coding classes to the US — TechCrunch

If you want to learn how to program, you’re spoiled for options these days. You can opt to go at your own pace with the likes of Codecademy, try free and paid MOOCs, or sign up for in-person instruction at the Holberton School and similar projects. AcadGild, which is launching in the U.S. today, takes a somewhat…

via AcadGild brings its coding classes to the US — TechCrunch

Legendary Productivity And The Fear Of Modern Programming

JavaScript master Douglas Crockford once said that software is the most complex thing that humans have ever created. It’s made up of intricate bits and..

Source: Legendary Productivity And The Fear Of Modern Programming

Piazza Rolls Out Recruiting Tool to Identify “Superstar” Programming Students

kids on tabletsPiazza, a Palo Alto, Ca.-based class discussion platform, has more than 30,000 educators, 1 million students and 1,200 universities in 70 countries using its..

Source: Piazza Rolls Out Recruiting Tool to Identify “Superstar” Programming Students

The Programmer’s Dream

Nick Bradbury

Programmers dream of new code.

We spend a good deal of our time working on code we didn’t write for software we didn’t create, much of which we believe is horribly written (or, at least, could be done much better). We dream of a chance to start fresh, working from scratch on a brand new piece of software that will eventually become something someone else has to work on and believes is horribly written.

If we’re lucky our software will look pretty solid from the outside. It may do weird things from time to time or very occasionally crash, but on the whole end users will think it’s stable and well thought out. Those of us who can look at it from the inside are amazed by this because we see a house of cards just waiting to come tumbling down. I think one of the benefits of open source is…

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The Case for Slow Programming


My dad used to say, “Slow down, son. You’ll get the job done faster.”

I’ve worked in many high-tech startup companies in the San Francisco Bay area. I am now 52, and I program slowly and thoughtfully. I’m kind of like a designer who writes code; this may become apparent as you read on 🙂

Programming slowly was a problem for me when I recently worked on a project with some young coders who believe in making really fast, small iterative changes to the code. At the job, we were encouraged to work in the same codebase, as if it were a big cauldron of soup, and if we all just kept stirring it continuously and vigorously, a fully-formed thing of wonder would emerge.

It didn’t.

Many of these coders believed in thefallacy that all engineers are fungible, and that no one should be responsible for any particular…

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How to Become a Programmer, or The Art of Googling Well

“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.” – Hal Abelson, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs


*Note: Please read all italicized technical words as if they were in a foreign language.

The fall semester of my senior year, I was having some serious self-confidence issues. I had slowly come to realize that I did not, in fact, want to become a researcher. Statistics pained me, and the seemingly endless and fruitless nature of research bored me. I was someone who was driven by results – tangible products with deadlines that, upon completion, had a binary state: success, or failure. Going into my senior year, this revelation was followed by another. All of my skills thus far had been cultivated for research. If I wasn’t going into research, I had… nothing.

At a liberal arts college, being a computer science major does not mean you are a “hacker”. It can mean something as simple as, you were shopping around different departments, saw a command line for the…

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