
malibe hiribae

Housekeeping Integrated Research Interface



Super Fluffy Frittata: Brunch is Served

Remarkable choice for weekend breakfasts, especially for brunch. Wow! The techniques I keep learning from great chefs. I would never have imagined how ‘the right pan’, preferably non-stick, would turn out to be a key factor to baking great frittata. Thanks for sharing your insights in this area; I should soon try out your recipe and ideas. Tomorrow is surely frittata for brunch for us, on condition my household sleeps in.


fluffy frittata n

Bacon? Smoked salmon? Leaks? Mushrooms? Smoked cheese? Pick your ingredients and bake them into this deliciously fluffy frittata.

We love our weekends – time to cook a special breakfast or brunch and linger over it with a second cup of coffee and a good book of poetry. Adaptable to a wide range of ingredients, frittatas are among our favorite weekend breakfasts.

One key to turning out a great frittata is to use the right pan. We’ve been using Swiss Diamond nonstick cookware for years and are big fans. Sunny-side up, scrambled, or easy over, eggs slow-cooked over low heat in these pans are a revelation. And although the word frittata has its etymological roots in the Italian friggere, which means “fried,” we usually bake ours. Sautéing vegetables before they go into the egg mixture brings out their sweetness, drives off excess moisture and allows for a richer balance of…

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Happy National Gingerbread Day!!! (Nov. 21st) – Cholly’s World-Famous Gingerbread Cake

Guilt-free Raw Chocolate Truffles

Best Ever Carrot Cake



I usually hate calling recipes “the best ever” or “perfect”, but in this case it’s true – this is, really, the only carrot cake recipe you’ll ever need. It’s uber-light, soft and not too sweet. It’s got layers of flavour without being too busy – no need for raisins or coconut or nuts. You can make it with things you already have in your pantry or fridge. In other words, it’s a very low-maintenance cake that tastes very high-maintenance.

I’ve been using this recipe for ages. I don’t think I have it written down anywhere. The reason I made it today is in honour of my beautiful niece and god-daughter, who lives in British Columbia, Canada (pretty much halfway around the world) and is turning ONE tomorrow.


I wish I would be there to give her a big birthday hug and hand her her birthday gift in person. I wish…

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Irish Bakewell Buns



Growing up in Canada, I’d never really heard of bakewell tarts until a few years ago.

In fact, since I moved to Ireland almost exactly 1.5 years ago, I’ve been introduced to a whole slew of new things (I’m sure you’re shocked to hear that).


Some things I’ve learned:

1. Sliced Pan = sliced bread

2. Potato chips are crisps. Most of you know that. But did you know crisps can be a sandwich filling? And, in fact, all you would need for this sandwich are crisps, sliced pan and butter? Did you know that was a thing? I didn’t.

3. When someone asks you if you want salad with your sandwich at a cafe and you say yes, you generally get several kinds of mayo-laden potatoes and coleslaws. Gotta say, I don’t always mind. I really like mayo.

4. What we think is breakfast in Canada is a piece…

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Happy National Guacamole Day!!! (Nov. 14th) – Health Benefits of Eating Guacamole

Happy National Nachos Day!!! – Super Nachos by Rachael Ray

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via Happy National Nachos Day!!! – Super Nachos by Rachael Ray

Coconut quinoa pudding

“Entrees are nice, but dessert is essential!…” by Ellie Schneider, in Plating Up,

Chef in disguise

Quinoa coconut pudding

For the month of Nov my Secret recipe club  assignment was Le Andra’s blog  love and flour.

LeAndra describes herself as “currently a Charlottean, I write in the corporate world by day and bake/blog by night”.When asked why she loves baking, her reply is :”  because people will do anything if you bribe them with cookies.” 🙂 Love her sense of humor

I have to admit that I  had to laugh at a segment in her about page “I am grateful to my mother for preparing homemade meals nearly every day and  for handing down to me the maddening-to-others habit of leaving each and every cabinet door open when I am working in the kitchen.”

I do that sometimes, especially when my mind is pre-occupied with something and it drives my husband completely mad 🙂 I was glad to know that I am not the only one.

coconut quinoa pudding

As I went through…

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Mongolian Scones: An Airy, “No Cream” Version of a Breakfast Favorite

Mongolian Scones: An Airy, "No Cream" Version of a Breakfast Favorite

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