
malibe hiribae

Housekeeping Integrated Research Interface



Samsung’s VR bedtime stories are cute, but really? — TechCrunch

Samsung worries about your child. Are they sleeping well? Do they miss you when you’re away on business? Can they put on a VR headset without their parents’ help? That last one is pretty important. Because Samsung wants your kids to experience the joy of VR just before bed instead of a regular bedtime story…

via Samsung’s VR bedtime stories are cute, but really? — TechCrunch

How social entrepreneurship is making a difference in the world — TechCrunch

We have grown accustomed to the Silicon Valley zeal driving startups to develop new technologies that will disrupt the market in yet another way. On-demand apps like Uber are aimed at making our lives easier by saving us time and money. In other parts of the world, people are faced with different kinds of “problems.”…

via How social entrepreneurship is making a difference in the world — TechCrunch

Tech’s new diversity leaders explain how they plan to fix sexism and racism in the industry — TechCrunch

Tech’s freshman class of diversity and inclusion leaders gathered at Rev. Jesse Jackson’s PUSHTech 2020 conference today to answer the question, “What now?” Within the last six months, Dropbox, Pinterest, Airbnb, Twitter and Intuit have all hired employees charged with correcting their diversity problems. Read More

via Tech’s new diversity leaders explain how they plan to fix sexism and racism in the industry — TechCrunch

Social payments startup Circle rolls into Europe — TechCrunch

It may have started as a Bitcoin wallet but veteran entrepreneur Jeremy Allaire’s fintech startup Circle has since shifted focus to social payments, launching an app in Q4 last year that lets users send U.S. dollars to settle IOUs between each other, with its pitch being it makes payments as easy as firing off an…

via Social payments startup Circle rolls into Europe — TechCrunch

Why, Why, Why

I need answers, and need them pretty fast.

Tribulations Of The Marginalised

Life in some developed part of the world is truly stressful for the marginalised.

Some authority finds reason to generate a huge utility bill; appends a black man’s name on that bill; claims reflected recipient of the utility hasn’t been paying his bills; claims to have gone to court and obtained appropriate orders implementable for a period of 12 months on grounds of ‘non-payment’ of amount reflected on the fraudulent bill [with other applicable costs, of course]; pretends to have served the court orders on the victim but apparently hasn’t served a copy of the same to the victim’s ‘Solicitors’ as reflected [cc’d] on the court orders; directly coerces victim to seek redress from a list of financial support services to which victim declines; and finally starts the process of implementing those court orders by visiting the victim’s house ostensibly to repossess victim’s household possessions.

Good people, what would you call such disposition by such an authority? Conspiracy? Harassment? Intimidation? Manipulation? Fraud? Narcissism? Defeaticism? Humiliation? Exploitation? Witch Hunting? Complicity? Racism? Blackmail? Martian Law? All of the above?

What a disgrace!

The Hard Life and High Times of Independent Musicians

Source: The Hard Life and High Times of Independent Musicians

Chewing On Life’s Big Questions With Rainn Wilson’s SoulPancake

SoulPancake is one of the more popular channels on YouTube boasting 1.5 million subscribers and more than 210 million views. Rainn Wilson (aka Dwight Schrute..

Source: Chewing On Life’s Big Questions With Rainn Wilson’s SoulPancake

Google’s Giving $5 Million To SF Bay Area Non-Profits Focused On Social Impact

Google just unveiled the 10 finalists for its second Impact Challenge: Bay Area, an effort to drive social change through funding local non-profit..

Source: Google’s Giving $5 Million To SF Bay Area Non-Profits Focused On Social Impact

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